Industrial Etch Primer
A versatile Etch Primer that can be applied by a variety of methods to most surfaces and provides a sound base for most topcoating systems.
Products Applications:
Primers and Industrial
Prominent Etch Primer is available in the following sizes: 1lt , 5lt and 20lt
Red and black
Appearance: Slight sheen.
Spreading Rate: ± 8 m²/litre depending on surface texture and porosity.
Solids: ± 31% by mass and ± 20% by volume.
Density: 1,02 kg/litre.
Recommended Dry Film Thickness: 15 – 25 µm per coat.
Recommended Wet Film Thickness: 125 µm per coat.
Viscosity: ± 60 Kµ.
Flash Point: 23°C.
- Keep containers properly sealed.
- Store away from direct heat, sun and severe cold in a place with adequate ventilation.
Available Sizes: 1Lt, 5Lt, 20Lt
Colours: Red and black
Respecting The Environment:
- 100% Lead Free.
- Dispose of excess product and containers in a responsible manner without harming the environment.
- This product is manufactured under strict SABS ISO 9001 quality standards.
- Excellent adhesion to steel, aluminium and rigid PVC.
- Quick drying to dust-free stage.
- Will stand careful handling after 30-60 minutes at 23°C.
- Can be coated with most finishes after 2 hours.
- Reduces undercreep of rust when used as the base of a high build system.
- 100% lead free.
- Heat resistant up to 80°C.
Intended Usages
- As a post blast primer on all steelwork it provides immediate protection while drying rapidly enough not to pick up debris from adjacent blasting operations.
- As a first coat for rapid in-plant maintenance systems in corrosive environments where it is desired to apply 2 – 3 coats on the same day.
- For universal repair and maintenance.
- As a dip primer for awkward shapes, e.g. egg crate flooring.
- As a primer on PVC gutters.
Application Details
Mixing: Stir before use with a flat paddle to an even consistency. Stir occasionally during use.
Method: Roller, brush or spray.
Thinning: ProGold Lacquer Thinners.
Thinning Ratio: Airless spray – 5%, Spray – 10%-25%, Brush/roller – 5%-10%.
Cleaning: Remove as much of the product as possible from the application equipment before cleaning with ProGold Lacquer Thinners.
- Temperature between 5°C and 40°C.
- Relative humidity of less than 85%, preferably between 10: 00 and 16: 00.
- Ideally apply when the temperature of the substrate is at least 2°C above dew point.
Drying time:
2 hours at 23°C.
Note: Higher temperatures will accelerate the drying times (approximately halved for every 10°C increase), whilst lower temperatures will retard the drying time (approximately doubled for every 10°C decrease).
Recoating time: Epoxies & Urethanes, minimum 2 days.
Recoating time: Other, minimum 2 hours.
Recoating time: Maximum, one month (self weathering limit).
Surface Preparations
- For small areas, manual cleaning combined with ProGold General Purpose Cleaner/water mixture (1: 5) and scouring pads may need to be used. In maintenance situations, grit assisted HPWB is preferred as it will also remove salts from pitted areas.
- The steel must be allowed to dry fully before priming; however it is necessary to use an inhibitor in the water.
Galvanised steel:
- Treat with ProGold General Purpose Cleaner/water mixture (1: 5) with scouring pads.
- Wash off all residues with clean water, and allow drying.
Other surfaces:
- Remove all loose materials and degrease with ProGold General Purpose Cleaner/water mixture (1: 5) and scouring pads.
- Rinse with clean water and allow drying before applying.
- Clean back to sound substrate by the most suitable of the above methods.
- Do a test area to confirm that existing paintwork will not be lifted.
- If it is, it must be blasted or stripped off.
- The film build is too low to give safe self weathering beyond one month.
- The acid component can interact with epoxy curing agents, so ageing for at least 2 days is recommended before overcoating with Prominent 2 Pack epoxies.
- Thicker coatings take longer to dry thoroughly.
- To ensure a consistent appearance ensure that batch numbers on all the containers are the same. Where the batch numbers differ, intermix before use.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Ensure to maintain good ventilation during application and drying process.
- In case of skin contact, wash with soap and water or a recognised skin cleaner. Avoid contact with eyes. In case of contact with eyes rinse immediately with running water and seek medical advice.
- If product is ingested drink plenty of water or milk. Do not induce vomiting at any time. Seek medical advice.
- Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for detailed information about the product and transportation and classification criteria. MSDS is available on www.prominentpaints.co.za or from Prominent Customer Service Department.
- To avoid any risk of spillage, always transport in a secure upright position.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Ensure to maintain good ventilation during application and drying process.
- In case of skin contact, wash with soap and water or a recognised skin cleaner. Avoid contact with eyes. In case of contact with eyes rinse immediately with running water and seek medical advice.
- If product is ingested drink plenty of water or milk. Do not induce vomiting at any time. Seek medical advice.
- Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for detailed information about the product and transportation and classification criteria. MSDS is available on www.prominentpaints.co.za or from Prominent Customer Service Department.
- To avoid any risk of spillage, always transport in a secure upright position.